Tradition 7

Every ACA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.

60% Intergroup / 40% WSO

The fund flow model of ACA is based on a 60/40 disbursement. After the group meets its monthly expenses and sets aside money for a prudent reserve, 60 percent of what is left over is usually sent to the local Intergroup and 40 percent is sent to WSO. A prudent reserve usually is the amount that equals two month’s worth of meeting expenses. The meeting expenses would include rent, utilities, and other group expenses.

Source: Page 609, ACA Fellowship Text (Big Red Book)

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***NEW*** You can use Zelle to send your donation:

If you’re having trouble with this donation form, send a text to Teri J at 480-329-6582.

To donate to ACA WSO – – Click here

To donate by mail:

Make checks payable to Adult Children of Alcoholics.

New mailing address:

Adult Children of Alcoholics
PO Box 1982
Gilbert AZ 85299

Other ways to support Arizona Intergroup

We welcome help from groups and members that wish to support our efforts.  Read more about Arizona Intergroup.

Thank you for your support. Click here to see a list of recent donations.