If you attended the Arizona ACA Workshop Connection Through Creativity on May 11, 2024, please consider sending us your feedback!

Section 1: Your experience overall

How satisfied were you with the Connection Through Creativity workshop?*

How likely are you to recommend this workshop to others?*

Was the workshop length appropriate?*

Did the workshop meet your expectations based on description provided?*

Section 2: Workshop content

How useful was the content presented in the workshop?*

Was the content presented in a clear and understandable way?*

Was the workshop relevant to your needs?*

Section 3: Workshop delivery

How engaging was the facilitator?*

Was the pace of the workshop appropriate?*

Were the activities and exercises useful for your recovery?*

Were the materials and resources provided helpful?*

Section 4: Additional feedback

How did you hear about the workshop?

Was the workshop announced at your home ACA meeting?

What did you like best about the workshop?

Do you have any other comments or suggestions?

Workshop survey: Connection Through Creativity